About Us
Welcome to RMCHCS! Thank you for stopping by our website. Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services (RMCHCS) is an integrated delivery system providing care for northwestern New Mexico and eastern Arizona. We are proud to continue a history of healthcare dating back to the early 1900s. As a private, not-for-profit healthcare system, we are committed to improving the health and wellness of our community and the individuals for whom we care.
RMCHCS' roots go back to the early 1900's when Rehoboth Christian Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital provided healthcare services to the people of Gallup and the Native Americans living on the nearby Navajo and Zuni reservations. St. Mary's Hospital, located near downtown Gallup, became McKinley General Hospital in the late 1970s. In 1983 Rehoboth Christian Hospital, located on the east side of Gallup, merged with McKinley General Hospital in order to pool their resources so they could better serve the population. Today RMCHCS is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit healthcare network located in rural McKinley County.
Accredited by CIHQ (Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality) - More information to come.
If you have a concern regarding patient care or safety, please contact the RMCHCS Patient Comment Line at 505-863-7190. If you are not satisfied with the response, you can report this information to the New Mexico Department of Health, Division of Health Improvement 1-800-752-8649 or CIHQ (see below).
Complaint Process ![](/docs/AH_seal_450dpi3in.png)
Informing Patients of the Complaint ProcessOrganizations using CIHQ accreditation for deemed-status purposes must inform patients, or their surrogate decision-maker, of the right to file complaints regarding quality of care concerns or safety issues to CIHQ. The patient / surrogate decision maker is not required to notify the organization prior to filing the complaint.
Information on how to contact CIHQ to file a complaint must be provided as follows:
Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality
P.O. Box 3620 McKinney, TX 75070
Attn: Chief Executive Officer