Behavioral Health Collaborative. Navajo-Zuni_Mckinley County Region. Together Everyone is Essential.
Day of Giving 2020
The Behavioral Health Collaborative was formed in 2017 for the purpose of bringing together those agencies, be they non-profit, for profit, city, federal or tribal who work in behavioral health specific to addiction. It was felt that by all agencies knowing one another and working together the chance for a client to fall between the cracks might be reduced or eliminated. Members of the Collaborative were now able to do warm hand-offs with clients.
The Behavioral Health Collaborative, BHC, for the first year held workshops for those working in agencies for their continuing education and for renewed enthusiasm for their jobs. The workshops were offered at no cost to those attending due to the BHC working in collaboration with Gallup Indian Medical Center's programs on suicide and addiction. There will still be at least two workshops done every year but in addition the BHC will now add being of assistance to agencies that may find themselves short of staff or funds. The BHC will pull members from the collaborative and the community to help the agency in need in order to prevent the agency from closing. The need for assistance for the person addicted and their family is great in McKinley County so the loss of any agency would hurt many families.

In November 2019 the BHC worked with several collaborative members to initiate the First Annual Gallup Day of Giving. This event will occur every year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. The purpose is to provide warm clothing to those men, women and children that are in need of coats, sweaters, hats, scarfs and other clothing items. Hot dogs and hot chocolate were served to those attending. Over 600 individuals took advantage of this event.
In December of 2019 the BHC and WellSpring provided Christmas Dinner to all who come to the Hozho Center. These individuals are considered homeless and come to Hozho for food and warmth. Christmas Eve they were served a meal of ham and all the fixings. Over 150 individuals were served.

The BHC is currently planning events for January and February 2020 to give assistance to the Hozho Center and the Battered Women's Center
Gallup McKinley County Behavioral Health Collaborative
RMCH • 1901 Red Rock Drive • Gallup, New Mexico 87301
Attached below is our 2020 Annual Report and a Community Resource Directory compiled by the Collaborative.