The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses
Rehoboth Mckinley Christian Health Care Services is pleased to partner with The DAISY Foundation to present The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses here at our facility. The DAISY Award is a meaningful recognition of extraordinary, compassionate nursing care.Whether you are a patient, visitor, or one of our very own, you have more than likely experienced the healing presence of a nurse. Taylor Regional Hospital is proud of our nurses for the dedication shown to their profession and for providing skilled and compassionate care to our patients.
We hope that our nurses have made a positive impact on your life, and as such, please show your appreciation by nominating a favorite nurse for The DAISY Award.
Past Daisy Award Winners
Want to Say Thank You to Your Nurse? Share your story!
The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day. The DAISY Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During his hospitalization, they deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to Patrick and his entire family. When he died, they felt compelled to say "thank you" to nurses in a very public way. Please say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference you will never forget!
Patients, visitors, volunteers, nurses, physicians, and employees, please use this form:
Nomination Form
To learn more about the DAISY Foundation and the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses, please visit:
Impact of DAISY Recognition
Today thousands of facilities and schools of nursing worldwide are committed to honoring nurses with The DAISY Award.
DAISY is an evidence-based form of meaningful recognition. Its success spans more than two decades and has been featured in research studies for effective nurse recognition within healthcare organizations. The strategic impact of these programs on nurses and their organizations is deep and has a positive effect on their job satisfaction, retention rate, teamwork, pride, organizational culture, and work environment.
The areas of profound impact are:
Nurse Engagement
Ignites extraordinary compassionate care
Improves satisfaction and retention
Promotes well-being and resilience
Healthy Work Environment
Celebrates all the right
Reminds nurses why they became nurses
Builds team spirit
Patient & Family Experience
Communicates profound gratitude
Reinforces patient and family-centered care
Inspires community loyalty
The Healer’s Touch
Recipients of the Daisy Award receive a certificate, a signature lapel pin, and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled, “A Healer’s Touch”. Each sculpture is hand-carved in Zimbabwe. The sculpture symbolizes the relationship between a nurse and their patient and referred to it as the Healer’s Touch.
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Our Clinics
College Clinic: Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, 1900 Red Rock Drive | Gallup, NM 87301 |
Outpatient Behaviorial Health Services |
Occupational Health |
Red Rock Specialty Clinic: Orthopedic Surgery, Podiatry, Urology, 1900 Red Rock Drive | Gallup, NM 87301 |
Wellness & Rehabilitation Center: 1910 Red Rock Drive | Gallup, NM 87301 |
Rapid Care: 1850 E. Hwy 66 Suite 1
Gallup, NM 87301 |
1901 Red Rock Drive, Gallup, NM 87301